The CPF Retirement Scheme, also known as the Central Provident Fund Retirement Scheme, is a government-run pension system in Singapore that provides financial security for its citizens during their retirement years. The scheme was established in 1955 and has evolved over the years to include a variety of retirement options and benefits for its members.

Under the CPF Retirement Scheme, working individuals contribute a percentage of their monthly salary to their CPF accounts, which are managed by the Central Provident Fund Board. These contributions are then used to fund their retirement, housing, healthcare, and education needs. Upon reaching retirement age, members can withdraw a portion of their CPF savings as a lump sum or receive a monthly payout for the rest of their lives.

The CPF Retirement Scheme has been highly successful in providing financial stability for Singaporeans in their golden years. With its well-managed system and various benefits, it has cemented its position as a cornerstone of the country’s retirement framework. So if you are a Singaporean worker, be sure to stay informed about the CPF Retirement Scheme and make the most out of its benefits to secure a comfortable retirement for yourself.

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